Confetti for Storyline: Red & White Celebration from the Sides!



Want to add a dash of patriotic excitement and delight to your Storyline courses? Surprise your learners with a burst of red and white confetti cascading from the sides! Whether it’s a quiz victory, a module milestone, or just a touch of festive fun, this confetti effect is a simple yet powerful way to make your e-learning shine.

The Magic Behind the Scenes: JavaScript and Storyline Triggers

We use a sprinkle of JavaScript, the language of the web, to conjure up this unique confetti magic. Think of it as the secret recipe that brings the celebration to life, customized with your chosen colors and direction. Just copy and paste the provided JavaScript onto the success layer of your quiz or wherever you want the confetti to appear.

Ready to add some patriotic pizzazz to your courses? Grab Confetti for Storyline today!