Creating Dynamic Text Animations in Storyline: A Complete Guide

Text animations can bring life to your e-learning content. Here’s a powerful function that creates dynamic text effects with shadows, colors, and bouncing letter animations.


Key Features

  • Custom font and shadow styling
  • Letter-by-letter animation with bounce effects
  • Rotation and skew transformations
  • Configurable timing and delays

Important Limitation

This animation only supports shadows extending to the right. CSS text-shadows stack in the order they’re declared – like a pile of cards. When shadows go right, each shadow is visible behind the next, but when going left, each new shadow covers the previous ones, making proper depth impossible. For best results, stick to right-up and right-down shadow directions.

Understanding the Parameters

Each parameter in the animateTextBox function serves a specific purpose in creating your text animation:

  1. fontColor: Sets your text color using hex codes (e.g., ‘#f94115’ for orange-red). Choose vibrant colors for dramatic effects or subtle shades for professional looks.
  2. shadowColor: Defines the color of your text shadow (e.g., ‘#fffe03’ for bright yellow). This creates the depth effect behind your text. Try matching or contrasting with your font color for different effects.
  3. shadowThickness: Controls how far your shadow extends (e.g., 150 layers). Higher numbers create more dramatic shadows:
    • 8-20: Subtle depth
    • 50-100: Medium effect
    • 100-200: Dramatic impact
  4. shadowDirection: Determines shadow orientation:
    • ‘right-down’: Shadow extends down and right (classic drop shadow)
    • ‘right-up’: Shadow extends up and right (lifting effect)
  5. delay: Sets how long to wait before starting the animation, in seconds. Use this to create sequential animations:
    • 0: Immediate start
    • 0.5: Half-second delay
    • 1+: Longer delays for staged effects
  6. skewDegree: Tilts your text left or right (-360 to 360 degrees):
    • Positive numbers: Tilt right
    • Negative numbers: Tilt left
    • 0: No tilt
  7. rotateDegree: Rotates your text (-360 to 360 degrees):
    • Positive numbers: Clockwise rotation
    • Negative numbers: Counter-clockwise rotation
    • 0: No rotation
  8. accText: Should match your text object’s alt text in Storyline exactly. This is how the function finds the right text to animate.

The Magic Behind the Animation: Accessibility Text as Selector

The real power of this function lies in how it finds and targets text in Storyline. When you create a text object in Storyline, each object has an accessibility label (alt text) that you can customize. This function uses that accessibility text as a unique selector to find and animate your text. By matching the accText parameter with your Storyline object’s alt text (e.g., ‘X-MEN’, ‘Iceman’), the function can precisely target the right text object for animation. This is why it’s crucial to make sure your alt text in Storyline exactly matches what you pass to the function. Not only does this approach make the animation reliable, but it also maintains accessibility standards since screen readers can properly identify your text content.

For even more precise targeting, there’s an alternative version of this function that uses Storyline’s data model IDs instead of alt text. The data model version is more reliable as it uses Storyline’s unique internal identifiers, but requires a bit more setup to implement. You can download that version in our store for more advanced implementations.

Creating Different Text Effects

Let’s look at three different animation styles you can create with this function:

1. Dramatic Superhero Text

animateTextBox('#f94115', '#fffe03', 150, 'right-down', 0.5, -10, -10, 'X-MEN');

This creates a bold, comic-book style effect:

  • Bright orange text (#f94115) with yellow shadows (#fffe03)
  • Deep shadow depth (150 layers) for that classic superhero pop
  • Right-down shadow direction for a grounded, powerful look
  • Quick 0.5 second delay for immediate impact
  • Slight -10 degree skew and rotation gives it that dynamic, action-ready feel

2. Cool, Icy Effect

animateTextBox('#1d90f3', '#8bd3fb', 55, 'right-up', 1, 10, 10, 'Iceman');

Perfect for winter themes or cool effects:

  • Light blue text (#1d90f3) with lighter blue shadows (#8bd3fb)
  • Medium shadow depth (55 layers) creates a frosty glow
  • Right-up shadow makes the text appear to float like ice
  • 1 second delay lets previous animations complete
  • Positive skew and rotation (10 degrees) suggests upward motion

3. Subtle Professional Title

animateTextBox('#5242a5', '#a6a4d8', 8, 'right-down', 1.25, 0, 0, 'Starring in The Ole West');

A more reserved animation for professional content:

  • Purple text (#5242a5) with light purple shadow (#a6a4d8)
  • Minimal shadow depth (8 layers) for subtle enhancement
  • Right-down shadow keeps it grounded
  • Longer 1.25 second delay for a measured entrance
  • No skew or rotation (0 degrees) maintains professionalism

Tips for Best Results

  • Keep shadow thickness below 200 for better performance
  • Use 0.5-2 second delays between animations
  • Match animation style to content tone
  • Test across different devices and browsers
  • Make sure your text object’s alt text in Storyline matches the accText parameter

The Complete Codefunction animateTextBox(fontColor, shadowColor, shadowThickness, shadowDirection, delay, skewDegree, rotateDegree, accText) {

// Step 1: Select the text box element
var textBox = document.querySelector(`[data-acc-text="${accText}"]`);
if (!textBox) {
console.error(`Text box with data-acc-text '${accText}' not found.`);

// Step 2: Extract font information
function findFontInfo(element) {
if (element.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'text') {
return {
fontFamily: element.getAttribute('font-family'),
fontSize: element.getAttribute('font-size'),
fontWeight: || 'normal'
for (let child of element.children) {
let result = findFontInfo(child);
if (result) return result;
return null;

var fontInfo = findFontInfo(textBox);
if (!fontInfo) {
console.error('Could not find font information');

// Step 3: Clean up font family string
fontInfo.fontFamily = fontInfo.fontFamily
.replace(/"/g, '')
.replace(/"/g, '')
.replace(/'/g, '')
if (/[\s_]/.test(fontInfo.fontFamily)) {
fontInfo.fontFamily = `"${fontInfo.fontFamily}"`;

// Step 4: Apply styles = fontInfo.fontFamily; = fontInfo.fontSize; = fontInfo.fontWeight; = 'flex'; = 'center'; = 'center'; = 'center';

// Step 5: Set up shadow direction
let shadowX = 1;
let shadowY;
if (shadowDirection === 'right-down') {
shadowY = 1;
} else if (shadowDirection === 'right-up') {
shadowY = -1;
} else {
console.error('Invalid shadow direction. Use "right-down" or "right-up".');

// Step 6: Apply text color and shadow = fontColor; = Array.from({ length: shadowThickness }, (_, i) =>
`${shadowColor} ${shadowX * (i + 1)}px ${shadowY * (i + 1)}px`
).join(', ');

// Step 7: Apply transformations += ` skew(${skewDegree}deg) rotate(${rotateDegree}deg)`; = '9999';

// Step 8: Set up letter animation
var originalText = textBox.textContent.trim();
let letters = originalText.split('').map((letter, index) => {
return `<span style="display: inline-block; font-family: ${fontInfo.fontFamily}; font-size: ${fontInfo.fontSize}; font-weight: ${fontInfo.fontWeight}; opacity: 0; z-index: ${index}; position: relative;">${letter}</span>`;

textBox.innerHTML = letters;

// Step 9: Create animation timeline
var tl = gsap.timeline({ delay: delay });
tl.staggerFromTo(textBox.querySelectorAll('span'), 0.5,
{ ease: Back.easeOut.config(1.7), opacity: 0, y: -80 },
{ ease: Back.easeOut.config(1.7), opacity: 1, y: 0 },

Now you have everything needed to create engaging text animations in your Storyline projects!

See video.